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Jon Svetkey

Saturday, September 25th, 2004

Loomers Lite! O'Leary's Pub

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

This will be a "Loomers Lite" show--Jon and Jack, joined by Heather Quay, will be performing acoustic versions of Loomers songs, as well as a few cool cover tunes. Check it out!
Beacon St.

Saturday, October 2nd, 2004

Battle of the Corporate Bands The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Cleveland OH
We're finalists in Fortune Magazine's "Battle of the Corporate Bands" and this is our 45-minute "open to the public" set. We'll be recording the show (for a new CD!) so if you're in Cleveland that day, come out and make a lot of noise!

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

4 Huge Guys Singing Songs! Skybar

Somerville MA

Phone: 617 623 5223


Loomers Jon Svetkey and Everett Pendleton are joined by Stuart Ferguson and Jim Infantino for a night of acoustic songs in the round. We'll all be on stage swapping original and cover tunes, singing and playing along, having a good old time. You do not want to miss this one!
518 Somerville Ave.

Saturday, December 4th, 2004

Jon and Heather Sing! O'Leary's

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

The rest of the band is otherwise committed, so Jon and Heather are going to have a good old time singing some original tunes and some choice covers. Come out and request a song... maybe they'll play it!
Beacon Street

Tuesday, December 7th, 2004

The PARTNERS simons Holiday Party PARTNERS simons

Boston MA

Phone: 617 330 9393


This is an invitation-only party. But maybe if you ask Jack, or Jon, nicely, you might be able to get an invitation!
25 Drydock Ave.

Thursday, January 27th, 2005


Somerville MA

Phone: 617 623 5223


This is our official CD Release Party for the new album. Every single person who pays admission at the door will receive a copy of "Shine." Sponsored by the Ad Club of Boston, the proceeds from the show will benefit The Home For Little Wanderers. Call early for your ticket!
518 Somerville Ave.

Saturday, January 29th, 2005

The Loomers with Don White First Cup Coffeehouse

Lynn MA

Phone: 781-598-6374

Our first show of the new year with the ever effervescent Don White. It's also the first time our new album will be available to the general public! Come and buy a copy!
280 Broadway

Saturday, February 12th, 2005

Tupelo Music Hall (Formerly The Muse at the Grey Goose)

Londonderry NH

Phone: 888 688 7356 or 603 437 5100


It's our annual trek up north with Don White. Come get in the Valentine's Day mood! We promise to play nothing but sappy love songs! Really. Sappy. Love. Songs.
2 Young Rd.

Saturday, March 19th, 2005

Another Great Show With Don White! Green Rooster Coffeehouse

Worcester Ma

Phone: 508-798-3010

Another return visit to our favorite coffeehouse in Worcester. This is where we usually bait Don into playing songs about chickens.
6 Institute Rd.

Thursday, March 24th, 2005

WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS Benefit Concert Worcester Artists' Group

Worcester Mass



This is the first in a series of benefit concerts that WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS will be sponsoring this year. It is also Jon's FIRST SOLO GIG in Worcester in 10 years.

Also on the bill that night are poets Dawn Gabriel and Rachel McKibbens. Come out and support a great cause (Abby's House, in Worcester).
38 Harlow Street

Saturday, May 7th, 2005 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

Jon and Heather will be doing an evening's worth of classic songs, and a few originals, in this quiet acoustic setting. Who knows what you'll hear????
Beacon Street

Saturday, May 21st, 2005 7:00 pm

Club Passim 47th Anniversary Concert Cambridge Common

Cambridge MA

Phone: 617 492 7679


Club Passim is celebrating its 47th year with 3 fantastic shows. Two at the Sanders Theater and one spectacular outdoor show on the Cambridge Common. We are extraordinarily privileged and excited to be a part of this bill. After us you'll get to see Spider John Koerner, The Resophonics, Chris Smither and more. It will be an amazing  afternoon's worth of music.
Garden St.

Sunday, May 29th, 2005 7:00 p.m.

Half Moon Sober Festival T. L. Storer Boy Scout Camp



We'll be closing the festival with Don White. We'll play a set, then Don will play, then we'll join Don for the finale. Don't miss it!
Center Barnstead

Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 7:30

The Loomers/Jon Svetkey Spectacular! Club Passim

Cambridge MA

Phone: 617 492 7679


This is our first time back to the club in a long time and we're making it special. Not only will The Loomers be doing a set, not only will Jon be doing a solo set, and not only with Quay & O'Conor be opening the show, but EVERY SINGLE ADMISSION gets you a copy of the new Loomers album, "Shine," or Jon's new solo album, "Take A Breath." That's right. A show AND a CD for one price. Oh yeah, we might also make this a little pre-birthday celebration for some of the guys in the band... you never know.
47 Palmer St.

Friday, June 24th, 2005 10pm - 1am

First Time In Bristol Judge Roy Bean

Bristol RI

Phone: 401.253.7526

This is our first time at this place, so come out and make us feel welcome. We'll make sure we play our favorite cover tunes too!
One State Street

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 7:00 p.m.

Corporate Battle of the Bands The Knitting Factory

New York NY

Phone: 212-219-3006


This is our second time in the contest -- let's hope we can win here and go to the Rock Hall in October again!
81 Franklin Street

Tuesday, August 16th, 2005 8 pm

4 Huge Guys, 4 Huge, um, Guitars Skybar

Somerville MA

Phone: 617 623 5223


Jon and Everett will share the stage, songs and stories with the ever fantastic Jim Infantino and Stuart Ferguson. Proceeds go to the 'help these guys eat dinner' foundation.
Somerville Ave.

Friday, September 30th, 2005 12 Noon

NEMO Outdoor Conference Showcase Boston Center for the Performing Arts (at the Cyclorama Bldg.)

Boston MA


This is our showcase at the NEMO Boston conference. It's FREE FREE FREE, so come on down and check it out.
South End

Saturday, October 1st, 2005 8 pm

The Bull Run Concert Series The Bull Run Restaurant

Shirley MA

Phone: 978-425-4311


Come on down and join us for a rocking good time with our friend, Don White. (Wow, what a lame description!)
Rte. 2A

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 8:30 pm

Gary Chaffee's CHOMP! Johnny D's Uptown Lounge

Somerville MA
Our very own Michael P. Cahill will be performing as part of this percussion extravaganza! For more information on CHOMP, check out the link here:

17 Holland Ave.

Thursday, October 13th, 2005 8 pm

Jon Svetkey Solo Skybar

Somerville MA

Phone: 617 623 5223


Jon will be opening for Mark Nelson. Come out and hear a couple new tunes, as well as some old favorites.
518 Somerville Ave.

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005 7:00 p.m.

MITX Awards Copley Marriott

Boston MA


We'll be performing at, and during, the 10th Annual MITX Awards. Special prizes will be given for anyone who can name ALL of the songs we perform that night!
Copley Square

Friday, November 18th, 2005 10pm - 1am

Fun In Rhode Island!!! Judge Roy Bean

Bristol RI

Phone: 401.253.7526

This is our return trip and we're ready to rip the roof off! Check it out.
One State Street

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005 8 pm

4 Huge Guys, 4 Huge, um, Guitars Skybar

Somerville MA

Phone: 617 623 5223


Ev and Jon are joined onstage by Stuart Ferguson and Jim Infantino for a night of songwritery goodness. Check it out!
518 Somerville Ave.

Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 7:00 p.m.

PARTNERS simons Holiday Party PARTNERS simons

Boston MA

Phone: 617 330 9393


The 16th annual P s Holiday bash! Invitation-only, but maybe if you're nice to us, we'll send you an invitation! The food is great, the drinks are cold, the guests are cool and the music is VERY, VERY loud. Will you be lucky enough to go?
25 Drydock Ave.

Saturday, February 4th, 2006 8 pm

Tupelo Music Hall

Londonderry NH


Our yearly trip to Londonderry with our great pal, Don White. We'll be previewing a new song or two so you don't want to miss it!

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 6pm+-+9pm

JAMSPOT Showcase The Paradise Lounge

971 Commonwealth AvenueBoston, MA 02215

Phone: 617 562 8814


We are sharing a bill with two other bands who rehearse at the fabulous JamSpot. The show only costs $5.00, and there's a super cheap menu offering for the night, so this should be a great after-work party.

Plus, we'll be debuting (re: falling flat on our faces while trying to play) several new songs. Don't miss it!

Friday, March 10th, 2006 9%3A30+pm


Bristol, RI
We're back in Rhode Island for the first time in 2006. Come on down to our favorite place down by the docks for some new tunes, old tunes and cover tunes. Best part? It's free!

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 8 pm

Finger-lickin' good! Green Rooster Coffeehouse

Worcester Mass

Phone: 508-798-3010

Our yearly sojourn to the hills of Worcester. Again, more new songs! Check it out!
Institute Road.

Friday, March 31st, 2006 8 pm

Jon Svetkey Solo Bull Run Concert Series

Shirley MA


Jon will be opening for legendary New England songwriter, David Mallett.
Rte. 2A

Saturday, April 1st, 2006 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

Jon and Heather will be singing some of their favorite songs from their home CD collection... check it out!
Beacon Street

Friday, April 28th, 2006 9%3A30+pm


Bristol, RI
We're back at our favorite seaside bar!

Saturday, May 13th, 2006 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

Jon and Heather will be singing some of their favorite songs from their home CD collection... check it out!
Beacon Street

Friday, May 26th, 2006 9%3A30+pm


Bristol, RI
Back again at our favorite seaside bar.

Saturday, May 27th, 2006 6%3A00+pm


Our annual trek up north for the Memorial Day weekend. This year we're going to be playing some new tunes, old tunes and who knows tunes!

Saturday, June 17th, 2006 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

Brookline MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

Jon and Heather will be singing some of their favorite songs from their home CD collection... check it out!
Beacon Street

Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 8%3A15pm

CHOMP! Berklee Performance Center

Our beloved basher of drums, Michael P. Cahill, will be performing as part of the legendary Gary Chaffee's percussion ensemble CHOMP! at Berklee College's Annual Percussion Festival. If you want to see some amazing, spontaneous percussion, you definitely want to check this out.

Friday, June 30th, 2006 9%3A30+pm


Bristol, RI
Back yet again at our favorite seaside bar.

Friday, July 21st, 2006 9%3A30


Beacon Str.Brookline, MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

We're back once again singing our favorite songs. Join us for a beer!

Saturday, July 29th, 2006 10pm+-+1am


Back for our seemingly monthly gig at our favorite bar. Come hang out with us. Check out how the new songs are sounding.

Sunday, September 3rd, 2006 7pm


Our 10th year playing at SITS. This is going to be a fantastic evening. We are going to play some old favorites and a TON of new songs from our forthcoming album. We hope you like it! Oh yeah, we'll be playing with Don White too!

Friday, September 22nd, 2006 8pm

Bull Run Concert Series Bull Run Restaurant

One of our favorite spots. We'll be opening for our good friend Don White. And we will more than likely have a few copies of our new album. Don't miss it!

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 8+pm

3 Huge Guys, 3 Huge, um, Guitars Skybar

Jon Svetkey and Everett Pendleton from The Loomers will be performing with Stuart Ferguson in a solo, acoustic, in-the-round concert. This will be a fun night of music, mirth and merriment. Who knows, maybe you'll hear some of the new Loomers songs.

Saturday, September 30th, 2006 8+pm

Jon Svetkey Opens For Don White Circle of Friends Coffeehouse

Franklin, MA
This is one of the area's best coffeehouses. And it happens to be in Jon's hometown or Franklin MA. It's the first time Jon has played there since 1996. He will be playing lots of songs from the new Loomers album, as well as lots of his old favorites. Plus, he and Don are cooking something up to play together. You don't want to miss this one.

Saturday, October 14th, 2006 9%3A30pm-12%3A30am

Rockin' Rhode Island Again Judge Roy Beans

We're back at our favorite bar in Bristol. We might even have some copies of our new CD with us by then. Stop in for a drink. Hawk is coolest bartender you'll ever meet. And we hear he catches a mean fish.

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006 6pm+-+9pm

MITX Awards Boston Copley Place Marriott, 110 Huntington Ave., Boston

We're the house band again for the 11th Annual MITX Awards. This isn't a Loomers show, it's an awards show that honors the best interactive work created by and for some of the most recognizable brands and companies in the world. We get to play music for all the winners as they step onto the stage to accept their awards. It's a hoot!

Saturday, November 11th, 2006 8pm

Cluckin' and Rollin' At The Rooster Green Rooster Coffeehouse

It's our annual sojourn to the hills of Worcester with our friend, Don White. We love playing here. And this time, you'll be able to purchase our new CD. Buy two. Or three. They'll make lovely Thanksgiving presents.

Thursday, November 30th, 2006 9pm+-+12am

TOMORROW TODAY CD Release Concert Johnny D's Uptown Lounge, 17 Holland St., Somerville MA

This is the show to go to. The official release of our new album. We'll have some special guests singing and playing with us, so you want to check that out. It's also a benefit concert for the Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, so your money will go to a good cause. Did we mention that you get a copy of our new album with your paid admission? How cool is that? See you there.

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006 6pm+-+10pm

The PARTNERS simons Holiday Party PARTNERS  simons Offices

It's our 8th holiday party and with our brand new album in hand, this year is going to be the best! If you know someone at P s, make sure you get an invitation. If you don't, well, maybe you oughtta start hanging out with a new crowd! See you there!

Friday, December 8th, 2006 6pm+-+10pm


We're very excited to be playing at a birthday party for one of our fans. It will definitely be a fun, special night. We're only posting it on our GIGS page because maybe it might spark some interest in you to hire us for YOUR party!

Saturday, December 23rd, 2006 10pm+-+1am

CANCELLED -- Rockin' Rhode Island Again Judge Roy Beans

Unfortunately, we have to cancel this gig. With any luck we'll be back to Bristol in the New Year.

Saturday, December 30th, 2006 7pm+%26+10pm

Jon Svetkey Opens For Ellis Paul Club Passim

It's been many years since Jon played on the same stage and same night as his old pal, Ellis. And who knows, maybe they'll sing a song or two together. You never know.

Saturday, January 27th, 2007 8pm

A Night In New Hampshire Tupelo Music Hall

2 Young RoadLondonderry, NH 03053

Phone: 888.6TUPELO


Our annual trek to New Hampshire with our friend, Don White. This is one of the nicest venues around, so check it out.

Monday, February 12th, 2007 9%3A30pm

Jon Svetkey Open Mic Feature CANTAB LOUNGE

Central SquareCambridge, MA
Geoff Bartley has run The Cantab Lounge Open Mic since 1991. Pretty much everyone in the New England folk scene has graced its stage -- major headliners as well as first-time troubadours. The music starts at 8:00pm, and Jon will be the featured act, from 9:30-10:00pm. Come out to hear some good music. And enjoy the ambience!

Friday, March 9th, 2007 10pm+-+1am

Rockin' Rhode Island Again Judge Roy Beans

Bristol, Rhode Island
Our first time here in 2007. Come and check out some cool cover tunes, as well as some new and old Loomers favorites! And ask Hawk to make you his favorite drink -- whatever that may be!

Saturday, May 26th, 2007 6pm


Our annual Memorial Day Weekend show with our friend, Don White. You'll be treated to a set by us, then a set by Don, then a set with us AND Don! We'll be playing songs from our brand new CD, which will be available at the show. So pick up a copy or 10!

Saturday, June 16th, 2007 6pm+-+11pm


174 Joppa Hill Rd.Bedford, NH

Phone: 603 488-1230

Price: $60.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


All the proceeds from this party go to the Educational Camp at Joppa Hill. We'll be playing some original and cover tunes, after the high school jazz band does their thing. Maybe we'll do some Chicago. Everyone loves "25 or 6 to 4," right?

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007 7pm

2007 SOBER IN THE SUN FESTIVAL Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

Our 11th year here!  We'll be closing the festival with our pal, Don White.  The big deal this year, however, is that Everett (our lovely and talented lead guitarist) can't make it... so, we'll be juggling plates on our heads instead.  Kidding.  We've got some surprises in store that you won't want to miss, so make it out to the show and see what happens!

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 7pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: (866) 413-3981


Jon and his beautiful, talented wife, Heather Quay, will be singing some of their favorite songs at this lovely little cafe right in the heart of Concord MA.  There's no admission, and the food is great, so come on down and listen to some tunes.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 7%3A00pm

Jon Svetkey Open Mic Feature Sit N Bull Pub

163 Main StMaynard, MA


Jon is the featured act at this open mike, hosted by noted musician/producer SETH CONNELLY.  Sign-up begins at 7 and the show gets rolling at 7:30. Depending on how many folks sign up, you can perform 2-4 songs. Seth opens with a brief set to get the evening flowing, then Jon will play a half-hour set at around 9:15. Admission to the open mike is $3 and they pass the hat for the feature act.

Saturday, November 10th, 2007 8pm

Looming With Don! Bull Run Restaurant

Rte. 2AShirley, MA

Phone: 978-425-4311

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our yearly trek to lovely Shirley, MA, with our pal Don White.  Who knows what surprises lay in store???

Saturday, November 17th, 2007 8pm

More Looming With Don! The Desert Club at Steve's Backstage Pass

15 School St.Taunton, MA

Phone: 508-824-3436

Purchase Tickets: click here


This will be the first show we have ever done in Taunton with Don.  If it goes well we will think about making it an annual event.

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 7%3A30

PARTNERS simons Holiday Party PARTNERS  simons Offices

25 Drydock Ave.Boston, MA 02210

Phone: 617 330 9393


The annual bash.  Let us know if you wanna go!

Thursday, December 27th, 2007 7%3A00pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

163 Main StConcord, MA
Our second time here and we're learning a bunch of new tunes!  Eat, drink, listen.  Yay!

Saturday, January 5th, 2008 8%3A00+pm

Rockin' New Hampshire Again! Tupelo Music Hall

2 Young Rd.Londonderry, NH

Phone: (888.6TUPELO)

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our yearly pilgrimage to the great state of New Hampshire.  Check out this fantastic club, where we always have a great, great show with our friend Don.

Monday, January 14th, 2008 8:30pm

United Way Benefit Johnny D's Uptown Lounge

We're flattered and honored to be asked to play at this benefit for the United Way.  Lots of local acoustic music favorites will be on hand to perform some tunes, and it all goes to a good cause, so come on out and show your support.  Who will be there?  Check out this amazing list:

Merrie Amsterburg
Dinty Child
Mark Erelli
Jim Fitting
Tim Gearan
Meg Hutchinson
Jennifer Kimball
Paul Kochanski
Alastair Moock
Jimmy Ryan
Todd Thibaud

We hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 19th, 2008 8%3A00+pm

Pluckin' At The Rooster Green Rooster Coffeehouse

6 Institute Rd.Worcester, MA

Phone: 508-798-3010

Purchase Tickets: click here

The annual gig in beautiful downtown Worcester with our pal Don.  Come down for the brownies!

Saturday, February 16th, 2008 8-11pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA


Jon and Heather return to their favorite new dinner/music spot for another evening of music and merriment.  Come for the music, stay for dinner, ask for a song by Dolly Parton or The Bee Gees... it's all good!

Friday, March 28th, 2008 8pm

Workin' Worcester With Whitey! Green Rooster Coffeehouse

5 Institute RoadWorcester, MA
Okay, we never ever have called Don "Whitey," but we thought this title would be funny.  Anyway, we're back at one of our favorite places for our yearly Worcester extravaganza.  Who knows, maybe the magic rooster will show up....

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 7:30

Jon Svetkey Mini-Set Sweet Bites Cafe

5A Spruce StreetWest Acton, MA

Phone: 978-263-2233


Jon will be doing a three-song mini-set at the beginning of the open mic.  Come on down and hear a couple of brand new songs!

Thursday, April 10th, 2008 7pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 978-369-9948


This is becoming a regular thing!  We love singing here and maybe we'll learn a few more new tunes.  You never know when you might need to hear some more Bee Gees tunes!

Thursday, April 17th, 2008 8:00 pm

THE EXECUTIVE SERIES   Featuring The Loomers Cafe 939

Boylston StreetBoston, MA

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Berklee College of Music has just opened a fantastic new venue on Boylston Street called Cafe 939.  We are proud to be the first performers at "The Executive Sessions," a weekly concert series that features bands with a member who is the CEO or President of a local company.  We're hoping for a couple of special guests to join us (maybe the President of Berklee, for one!), and we're also hoping to record the show for some sort of online release, so come on down and clap real hard.   Finally, in case you need more reasons to come to this show, all of the proceeds from the show will benefit Berklee's scholarship programs.  Get your tickets before the show through Ticketmaster or buy them that night at the door.  See you there!

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 8-11pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 978-369-9948

Price: $1.00


We're back at our favorite new haunt!  We're even learning a few new songs, so come on down and set a spell.  (Yes, there will be some great old country tunes in there!)

Saturday, May 17th, 2008 4:00-5:30pm


47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138

Price: $15.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're thrilled to be back at Club Passim.  And this show is a special afternoon show -- so kids can join in the usual Loomerific fun! -- to raise some money for the Evergreen Day School in Cambridge.  Why?  Well, let's just say that one little Loomerette goes there and would like a chance to see her dad onstage.  All of the money from this show, including CD sales, will benefit Evergreen.  So come out, bring the kids, and support a great cause.

Sunday, May 25th, 2008 8pm


2010 Nh Route 175Thornton, NH

Phone: (603) 726-3867‎

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


It's our annual trip to New Hampshire with our pal Don White.  This year's festivities are at The Sugar Shack in Thornton NH.  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 1st, 2008 Noon

Gary's Graduation Hoedown! Chez Schneider

It took Gary a long time to finish his dissertation and now we're celebrating.  Hope you're invited because we're going to make some noise before we eat some barbecue!  Congratulations Gary!

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 7:00pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866-413-3981


We're back at our favorite cafe.  Come celebrate Independence Day early!

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 8pm

Jon and Heather Open Mic Feature Sweet Bites Cafe

5A Spruce St.West Acton, MA

Phone: 978-369-8090

Price: $10000.00


Jon and Heather will be one of two featured acts at Ellen Schmidt's wonderful open mic.  Come for the music, stay for the pastry!

Friday, August 8th, 2008 8:00 pm

OH YES, IT'S '80s NITE... Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


It's been a few years, but we're back with another, um, loving tribute to the 1980s.  And this time we've got the perfect day:  08/08/08.  Yes, it'll be just like the 80s in Bizarro World!  This is your chance to hear some of your favorite local singer-songwriters cover your favorite guilty pleasure 80s songs.  We've already got a few thoughts, including "Valley Girl," and "Straight Up," so why not come out and feel the love.  Bring your Ray Bans!

Friday, August 15th, 2008 9-11pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA United States

Price: $10000.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our regular gig in Concord!  Come on down to listen and sing along!

Sunday, August 31st, 2008 7pm

SOBER IN THE SUN FESTIVAL Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

Paxton, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our 12th year at SITS!  And this year we PROMISE that Everett will be playing lead guitar!  Thank WHOMEVER Jon won't be doing it this year!

Thursday, September 18th, 2008 6pm - 10pm

Raise The Roof For HOPe! Fenway Park

Phone: 508/682-3103

Purchase Tickets: click here


We are honored to be the entertainment as House of Possibilities joins with the Rodman Ride for Kids to "Raise the Roof" on the Roofdeck of Fenway Park for their Fall Benefit.  More information to follow.

Friday, September 19th, 2008 3:30 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Price: $10000.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


This is becoming a monthly thang! Come on down and hear us sing some tunes.  Enjoy the food while you're there too!

Monday, September 29th, 2008 8pm

Jon Svetkey Open Mic Feature CANTAB LOUNGE

Central SquareCambridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here

Geoff Bartley has been running this open mic for over 15 years and it's a privilege to play there again.  Come out for the open mic, stay for the atmosphere and for a chance to hear some of the songs that will show up on the next Loomers album!

Saturday, October 18th, 2008 2pm

Loomers At Backyard BBQ Private Party

Somerville, MA
Don't YOU wish you could go?  Contact us and we'll tell you the details.

Saturday, November 8th, 2008 8pm

Fun In Shirley! Bull Run Restaurant

Rte. 2AShirley, MA United States

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual trek to the wilds of Shirley MA with Don White.  Who knows what evil lurks... in the heart of Everett...

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 6 - 9 pm

MITX Awards Copley Place Marriott, 110 Huntington Ave., Boston

Boston, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here

We're back, backing up the annual MITX Awards show.  See you there!

Friday, December 5th, 2008 3:30 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


Our return -- after two months! -- to our favorite little cafe.  Come out for some new tunes... and maybe even a new CD of us singing!

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 6pm - 10pm


Friday, December 12th, 2008 6:30-9:30pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Ichabod's Cafe

166 Great RoadActon, MA

Phone: 978-635-9269


Our first time at this place.  We hear it's great, but come on down and see for yourself!

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009 8pm

More Looming With Don! Tupelo Music Hall

2 Young Rd.Londonderry, NH

Phone: (888.6TUPELO)

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're kicking off 2009 in one of our favorite places!  And we may even record the show... and sell it at the end of the night -- how cool is THAT?  There may even be some new songs percolating... definitely one of the best places to see our show.  

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 8:30pm

United Way Benefit Johnny D's Uptown Lounge

Somerville, MA


We are flattered and honored to be a part of this fantastic night of acoustic music.  Come on out to support a great cause and hear some of Boston's finest musicians singing their songs and jamming with each other.  Who will be there?  Check out this great list:
Merrie Amsterburg
Dinty Child
Mark Erelli
Jim Fitting
Tim Gearan
Meg Hutchinson
Jennifer Kimball
Paul Kochanski
Alastair Moock
Jimmy Ryan
Todd Thibaud

We hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 17th, 2009 7-9:30pm

Jon and Heather Sing... With Lyn and Stuart!!! Savoury Lane

251 Arlington St.West Acton Village, MA 01720

Phone: 978 263 8743

Price: $1.00


This is a new gig for us and we're playing with our friends Lyn O'Conor and Stuart Ferguson.  We'll do some songs, they'll do some songs, we'll do some songs together... who knows what you'll hear?  Come out and check out the place.

Friday, February 6th, 2009 6:30-8:30pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Savoury Lane

251 Arlington StreetWest Acton Village, MA 01720 United States

Phone: 978-263-8743


A lovely little place in West Acton with great, cheap food?  AND music?  How can you beat THAT? Come join us for a quick bite and bunch of tunes!

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 8pm

Executive Sessions II Cafe 939

939 Boylston St.Boston, MA

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our return to Berklee's fantastic new club.  Last time was great, this time we've got some special guests joining us onstage.  And, as an added bonus, you'll be among the first to hear 3 new tunes!  

Saturday, March 28th, 2009 8 pm

Chasing The Chicken! Green Rooster Coffeehouse

5 Institute RoadWorcester, MA United States

Purchase Tickets: click here

Our yearly excursion to "Wormtown," with our pal Don.  One never knows what will happen at the Rooster...

Friday, April 3rd, 2009 3:30 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA United States

Phone: 866 413 3981

Price: $10000.00


Our first time back to Main Streets in a few months.  Come for the music, stay for the food, drive home happy!

Saturday, April 11th, 2009 6:30-9:30pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Ichabod's Cafe

166 Great RoadActon, MA United States

Phone: 978-635-9269


Our favorite new venue.  Come for the music, stay for the awesome food!

Friday, May 8th, 2009 6:30-9:30pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Ichabod's Cafe

166 Great RoadActon, MA United States

Phone: 978-635-9269


Our favorite new venue.  Come for the music, stay for the awesome food!

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009 6pm - 10pm

Loomers Private Party Bash! Private Party

Boston, MA United States

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 7:30pm

Tyler Winn Education Fund Benefit Concert Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 769

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


A very dear friend of ours passed away in December.  A trust fund was set up for her infant son and all of the proceeds from this concert will benefit that trust fund.  Please join us and several of our friends -- Don White, Jim Infantino, Rob Laurens to name just a few -- for a very special evening's worth of music.

Saturday, June 27th, 2009 7-10pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Ichabod's Cafe

Acton, MA


Our monthly gig.  And this time we're adding some original music!

Thursday, July 9th, 2009 7pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


We're back at our favorite spot in Concord.  Come out for some great food and lots of music.

Sunday, August 9th, 2009 7pm

END CONSTRUCTION 20th Reunion!!! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Yes, it's been 20 years since Jon, Ellis, Jim and Brian founded End Construction.  And now it's time for some sort of celebration.  Come out for the dancing girls, firetrucks and chocolate covered gumballs, stay for the music.  Who knows, maybe they'll break out some of the old tunes...

Sunday, September 6th, 2009 6pm

Sober In The Sun Festival Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

Treasure Valley Scout Reservation - 394 Pleasantdale RoadRutland, MA 01543 United States

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Two words:

Everett's back.

See you there.

Monday, October 19th, 2009 7:30

PRIVATE PARTY House of Blues

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 8:00 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA United States

Phone: 866 413 3981

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our favorite cafe!  Come for the food, stay for the music.  We'll be singing some ORIGINAL SONGS along with our usual covers, so check it out.

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 6pm - 9pm

MITX Awards Copley Place Marriott, 110 Huntington Ave., Boston

Phone: 617-871-2155

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual orchestral gig!  Good luck to all the entrants!

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 7 pm

Executive Sessions III Cafe 939

939 Boylston St.Boston, MA United States

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our third trip back to the Cafe 939.  And this time we'll be doing a bunch of songs from our forthcoming CD!  Plus, we've got a great opening act, The Bleeding Hearts!  As usual, all the proceeds go to scholarships at Berklee, so come out for the music -- and contribute to a great cause!

Saturday, November 21st, 2009 8 pm

Hanging With Don White! Bull Run Restaurant

Rte. 2AShirley, MA United States

Phone: 978 425 4311

Price: $12.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our yearly sojourn to the Bull Run.  We'll be having fun with our great pal, Don White.  We'll play some old favorites and break out a few brand new songs.  And with any luck we'll have our new CD available!

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 6pm - 11pm


Boston, MA

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 7pm


939 Boylston St.Boston, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Come on down to cheer us on as we play to the death (!!!) against 7 at Denny's, House Red, Six, and more.  Celebrity judges in the house too!

Saturday, January 30th, 2010 8pm

A New Year In New Hampshire Tupelo Music Hall

2 Young Rd.Londonderry, NH

Phone: 603.437.5100

Price: $22.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Let's ring in 2010 with our first show of the year with Don White.  We'll definitely have our new album with us, so come out and pick up an early Groundhog's Day present for yourself or your loved ones!

Friday, February 26th, 2010 7:00 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! O'Leary's Pub

1010 Beacon St.Brookline, MA

Phone: 617 734 0049


Our first gig of the New Year and our first time at O'Leary's for several years.  Come on down for a pint and stay for the music.  

Friday, March 19th, 2010 4:00 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


Our first time in Concord in 2010!  Eat, drink, be merry, sing along!

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 7pm

United Way Benefit Concert Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $15.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


The United Way of Massachusetts Bay helps people in need throughout Massachusetts.  We are honored to be hosting the show and acting as backing band for many of the performers on the bill.  Who might those performers be?  Check it out:

Don White
Barbara Kessler
Jim Infantino
Ellen Cross
Alastair Moock
Lloyd Thayer
Stuart Ferguson
Kat Goldman
Adam Rothberg
Heather Quay

Proceeds from the door will go to fund UW initiatives.  Come on out to show your support for this wonderful cause.

Saturday, April 24th, 2010 7pm

Jon & Heather Sing Savoury Lane

251 Arlington StreetActon, MA

Phone: 978 263 8743


Come for the music, stay for dinner!

Saturday, May 1st, 2010 8 pm

We Weturn To Wista Green Rooster Coffeehouse

5 Institute RoadWorcester, MA

Phone: 508-798-3010


Our annual visit to see Shecky the Chicken with our good friend Don White.  We'll have our new CD available at the show!  Woo hoo!

Friday, May 28th, 2010 3:30 pm

Jon & Heather Sing Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: (866) 413-3981


We're back for more fun and frolic in Concord!  Last time we had the weekly indoor volleyball league singing BeeGees songs with us.  Come see what happens this time!

Sunday, May 30th, 2010 6:30pm


2010 New Hampshire 175Thornton, NH 03223-6233

Price: $55.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're back!  The Sugar Shack is a fantastic location for the Half Moon Festival and we are ready to rock and roll.  Plus, we'll be doing a set with Don White, so how can you NOT show up?

Saturday, June 19th, 2010 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

1010 Beacon St.Brookline, MA United States

Phone: 617 734 0049

Purchase Tickets: click here


We had an AWESOME time here in February and can't wait to sing here again.  And we're going to do our best to have some fun new songs on board.  Come out and have a beer or two with us.

Friday, July 2nd, 2010 4:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


We're back for another holiday weekend extravaganza.  And we've learned a bunch of new songs.  Yay!

Saturday, July 24th, 2010 1-3pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Great Brook Farm


Phone: 978.779.6680


Our first time singing here.  We hear the food is great and the atmosphere too.  So come spend the afternoon with us!

Friday, August 6th, 2010 4:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


It'll be our last summer show.  Check it out!

Friday, September 3rd, 2010 4:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 866 413 3981


We're back for what is turning out to be our monthly gig! We love this place -- it's always fun and friendly and the food is great too. Come hang out with us!

Sunday, September 5th, 2010 7pm

Sober In The Sun Festival Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

Paxton, MA
Our 14th year at the festival.  It's a great way to kick off the fall.

Friday, September 10th, 2010 10pm-2am

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

1010 Beacon St.Brookline, MA

Phone: 617 734 0049


We L-O-V-E O'Leary's.  Every time we play here we love it even more.  Last time we didn't even take a break.  Come hang out with us ALL NIGHT!

Saturday, September 11th, 2010 8pm

Don White with The Loomers Bull Run Restaurant

Rte. 2AShirley, MA

Phone: 877.536.7190

Price: $18.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual party at the Bull Run with our old friend Don.  If you haven't seen him, or us with him, you don't know what you're missing.  Always a great night, full of fun and surprises.

Friday, October 1st, 2010 8pm

CD Release Concert The Front Room at 910 Main

910 Main StreetWorcester, MA 01610

Phone: 508-753-1012

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


This is the first time The Loomers have headlined in Worcester in many, many years.  And it's also the first time we've played at this cool venue.  WCUW is a listener-supported community radio station and this concert series is held in their newly renovated performance space.  All of the proceeds from the show will benefit WCUW.  

2 other cool things about this show:

1.  Worcester poet Bill MacMillan will be opening the show with some of his award-winning poetry.  

2.  Jon will be doing an all-request, 5-song solo set in the middle of the show.  So start sending your requests now... maybe your song will get played!

Don't miss this one!

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 3:30pm

CD Release Celebration! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


We decided to celebrate the release Reeling Down A Road with a special afternoon show so all of our friends, fans and families of all ages can come out and have a rockin' good time with us.  Bring the kids (1/2 price!)!  Bring your parents!  Help us make some noise!

Saturday, October 9th, 2010 1:00-3:00pm

Heather and Jon Sing! Great Brook Farm

356 Main StreetBolton, MA United States

Phone: 978.779.6680


Our second time at this nice little place.  This time we swear we'll remember to bring the PA system!  Come enjoy some music with your fabulous lunch.  We may even have a couple of new songs in store for you...

Thursday, October 14th, 2010 3:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 978-369-9948


Our regular gig at our favorite cafe.  Join us for some food and drink and music.

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 6pm-12am

Berklee College of Music 16th Annual Encore Gala Westin Copley

10 Huntington Ave.Boston, MA

Phone: 617-747-2660.

Purchase Tickets: click here


The Encore Gala supports Berklee City Music, a life-changing experience for thousands of talented underserved middle and high school students who participate through scholarship assistance at no cost to them or their families. Last year, the Encore Gala raised nearly $1.3 million for the program. We are beyond thrilled, and honored, to be a part of this incredible evening.

Saturday, November 6th, 2010 8pm


299 BroadwayArlington, MA

Phone: 781-646-3800

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Right Turn is a great organization that helps folks in need find their way. We're pretty thrilled that they asked us to do a special all-acoustic show. Come on down and hear your favorite Loomers tunes just like they'd be played in your living room!

Saturday, November 27th, 2010 1:00-3:00pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Great Brook Farms

356 Main StreetBolton, MA 01610

Phone: 978.779.6680


This is getting to be a regular thang! Come on down for some post-turkey tunes with us.

Friday, December 3rd, 2010 8pm

JON SVETKEY & ADAM ROTHBERG -- Solo Co-Bill The Arts At The Armory Center

191 Highland Ave.Somerville, MA

Phone: 617.718.2191

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


This is Jon's first solo gig in the Cambridge/Boston area in over 5 years. He's splitting the night with his multi-instrumentalist/songwriter pal Adam Rothberg ( and they'll be swapping stories, trading lies, singing and playing all over each others' tunes. Requests will definitely be taken, and played. Don't miss it.

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 7pm


Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 1:30 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 978 369 9948


Our favorite little cafe. Our first time here in 2011. Come ring in the new year (a few weeks late!) with us...

Saturday, February 5th, 2011 8pm

Post Groundhog's Day Concert!!! Tupelo Music Hall

2 Young RoadLondonderry, NH

Phone: 603 437 5100

Price: $24.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our first gig of the year at our favorite New Hampshire club with our favorite funny friend, Don White.  Want even more? We'll have our CDs with us (last year we only had download cards) and likely the full 6-piece Loomers band. Happy new year indeed!

Saturday, February 19th, 2011 10pm-2am

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! O'Leary's Pub

1010 Beacon St.Brookline, MA

Phone: 617 734 0049

Purchase Tickets: click here

Our first time here in the new year and we're thrilled because we love this place! Come out and have a beer or two with us -- it's gonna be a long, fun night!

Saturday, February 26th, 2011 8pm

Quakin' in Quincy with Don White The Stone Temple Coffeehouse

1306 Hancock StreetQunicy, MA

Phone: (617) 821-4073

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our first time here. Don asked us to play and, unfortunately for us, we said, "Yes," before we read his description of the place: "...the church of the Presidents where we escort the audience down into the tombs beneath the building to glare at the entombed remains of John Adams, John Quincy Adams and their respective spouses." This is bound to be a show that will go down in the books.

Saturday, March 12th, 2011 7pm

Sober Connections Presents: DON WHITE & The Loomers The Cape Ann Playhouse (The Annie)

1 Washington StreetGloucester, MA

Phone: (978) 309-8448

Price: $15.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Sober Connections is sponsoring this event at a fantastic venue. Come out for our Gloucester debut!

Saturday, March 19th, 2011 1:00-3:00pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Great Brook Farms

356 Main StreetBolton, MA

Phone: 978.779.6680


Come help us welcome Spring with afternoon of music and food!

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 8pm

Executive Sessions IV Cafe 939

939 Boylston St.Boston, MA

Phone: 1-800-745-3000

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


One of our favorite places to play. And this time a couple of super cool things are happening:

1. The show will be webcast. Here's the link:

2. We'll be recording the show for a possible future release.

So come out and make some noise!

The Bleeding Hearts open.

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon and Heather Sing! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: (781) 674-2400

Purchase Tickets: click here


This is our first time at nourish and we're pretty excited about it. The bar, the food, the staff -- everything here is great. Come check it out and hear some of the new tunes we've been working on... a little Bowie... a little CSN... Brad Paisley... yow!

Thursday, April 7th, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: 781 674-2400


We LOVE nourish. Great food, great staff, great audience. Check it out!

Saturday, April 30th, 2011


Belmont, MA

Hope you're invited!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011 9:30pm-1:00am

Jon and Heather Sing! Brighton Beer Garden

386 Market StreetBrighton, MA

Phone: 617 562 6000


This is our first time here so come out and have some fun with us! Great food and excellent beer on tap!

Friday, May 27th, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: (781) 674-2400


We LOOOOOVVVVEEEE this place. Come see why.

Saturday, May 28th, 2011 7pm


Sugar Shack CampgroundThornton, NH

Phone: (603) 300-2885

Price: $55.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


One of our favorite festivals. And it means it's almost summer time! Woo hoo! We'll do a set, then we'll do a set with Don White. Always a blast and a half.

Sunday, May 29th, 2011


Webster MA

Thursday, June 16th, 2011 8-11pm

Jon and Heather Sing! Main Streets Market and Cafe

42 Main StreetConcord, MA

Phone: 978 369 9948


One of our favorite places!

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011 9pm - 12am

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! The Halfway Cafe

51 Main StreetMaynard, MA

Phone: 978-823-0002


This is our first time here so come out and make some noise with us!

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 1:00-3:00pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! Saturday Music Series at Slaters (formerly Great Brook Farms)

356 Main StreetBolton, MA

Phone: (978) 779-6680


Come join us for some music and barbecue -- bring the kids!

Friday, August 5th, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: 781 674-2400


We LOVE nourish. Great food, great staff, great audience. Check it out!

Friday, September 30th, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: 781 674-2400


We LOVE nourish. Great food, great staff, great audience. Check it out!

Saturday, October 8th, 2011 7pm

Sober Connections Presents: DON WHITE & The Loomers The Cape Ann Playhouse (The Annie)

Gloucester, MA MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our show in March was so much fun they asked us back!

Saturday, October 15th, 2011 6-10pm



Saturday, October 22nd, 2011 11:30 am

My Daddy Rocks: Monthly concerts for kids of all ages! Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

284 Bay RoadS. Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $8.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Brian Doser is a fantastic kids' music performer up on the North Shore. He also happens to have produced, engineered or mixed (or all three) pretty much every recording project associated with The Loomers. And now he's put together a band to play some shows for families and kids of all ages. And his band features none other than Jon and Jack from The Loomers!  The set list will include some classic oldies, Top 40 and maybe even some original tunes. Appropriate for infants through tweens. Tickets are $8 per person, maximum charge of $25 per family. Oh yeah, dads are free!

Saturday, October 29th, 2011 1:00-3:00pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! SLATERS (formerly Great Brook Farms)

356 Main StreetBolton, MA

Phone: (978) 779-6680


Another gig at our favorite afternoon spot. Bring the kids! Enjoy some barbecue! Singalong with us!

Saturday, November 12th, 2011 8 pm

Bull Run Concert Series with Don White Bull Run Restaurant

Rte. 2AShirley, MA

Phone: 978.425.4311

Price: $18.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


It's a yearly tradition stretching back 15 years now. Come see what all the fuss is about. And be sure to check out the awesome painting on the wall in the original bar downstairs!

Saturday, November 19th, 2011 11:30 am

My Daddy Rocks: Monthly concerts for kids of all ages! Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

284 Bay RoadS. Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $8.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Brian Doser is a fantastic kids' music performer up on the North Shore. He also happens to have produced, engineered or mixed (or all three) pretty much every recording project associated with The Loomers. And now he's put together a band to play some shows for families and kids of all ages. And his band features none other than Jon and Jack from The Loomers! The set list will include some classic oldies, Top 40 and maybe even some original tunes. Appropriate for infants through tweens. Tickets are $8 per person, maximum charge of $25 per family. Oh yeah, dads are free!

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Monday, December 5th, 2011 6-9pm

MITX Awards Sheraton Boston

39 Dalton St.Boston, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual gig at the MITX Interactive Advertising Awards show. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 6-10pm


Boston, MA

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Saturday, December 17th, 2011 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing The Hits! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA

Phone: 781 674-2400


We LOVE nourish. Great food, great staff, great audience. Check it out!

Saturday, December 17th, 2011 11:30 am

My Daddy Rocks: Monthly concerts for kids of all ages! Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

284 Bay RoadS. Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $8.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Brian Doser is a fantastic kids' music performer up on the North Shore. He also happens to have produced, engineered or mixed (or all three) pretty much every recording project associated with The Loomers. And now he's put together a band to play some shows for families and kids of all ages. And his band features none other than Jon and Jack from The Loomers! The set list will include some classic oldies, Top 40 and maybe even some original tunes. Appropriate for infants through tweens. Tickets are $8 per person, maximum charge of $25 per family. Oh yeah, dads are free!

Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Thursday, January 19th, 2012 10am

Jon Sings For Kids! Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

284 Bay RoadS. Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $5.00


I'm filling in for Brian Doser at his weekly kids' gig. Bring your toddler for some upbeat fun!

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Saturday, January 28th, 2012 8pm

Quakin' in Quincy with Don White The Stone Temple Coffeehouse

1306 Hancock StreetQunicy, MA

Phone: (617) 821-4073

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our second time here. When Don asked us to play here with him last year we said, "Yes," before reading his description of the place: "...the church of the Presidents where we escort the audience down into the tombs beneath the building to glare at the entombed remains of John Adams, John Quincy Adams and their respective spouses." This is a show that will go down in the books...

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


A little schedule change to our bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music!

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Back to our regular bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music for Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 11th, 2012 2:00 pm

FUNDRAISER FOR POMS featuring POSITIVE ENERGY (with guest Jon Svetkey) Belmont High School

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our friends POSITIVE ENERGY are playing a fundraiser for the Parents Of Music Students (POMS) at Belmont High School and Jon Svetkey will be sitting in -- singing and playing acoustic guitar -- with the band for the night. It's a night of '70s music, so be prepared for some amazing things, including a horn section comprised of high school students!  The song list is incredible (Chicago, Boston & Clapton to Stevie Wonder and Earth, Wind and Fire) and the band is awesome.  Come out to support the Belmont K-12 music program!

Saturday, February 18th, 2012 2pm

Brian Doser & The Puddin' Pops!!! Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

284 Bay RoadS. Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $8.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Brian Doser is a fantastic kids' music performer up on the North Shore. He also happens to have produced, engineered or mixed (or all three) pretty much every recording project associated with The Loomers. And now he's put together a band to play some shows for families and kids of all ages. And his band features none other than Jon and Jack from The Loomers! The set list will include some classic oldies, Top 40 and maybe even some original tunes. Appropriate for infants through tweens. Tickets are $8 per person, maximum charge of $25 per family. Oh yeah, dads are free!

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 7-9:30

Jon & Heather Sing Ristorante Tartufo

22 Union StreetNewton, MA 02459

Phone: (617) 244-8833


Our regular bi-weekly residence at this wonderful restaurant in Newton Centre. Come out and enjoy some great food and music for Valentine's Day!

Saturday, May 19th, 2012 7pm

All You Need Is Love: A Night of Beatles Music! FIRST CHURCH BELMONT

The First Church in Belmont -- 404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Phone: 617 484 1919

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon Svetkey -- along with his wife, Heather Quay and their friends Roger Brown, Richard Curzi, Rick Dimino, Paul Judge and Jim Wooster -- will be singing and playing over two dozen Beatles songs to benefit the children’s education program. Come out to hear some of the greatest music ever and support a good cause at the same time. It's going to be a fab time! YEAH YEAH YEAH!

Saturday, May 26th, 2012 5:30pm


152 Pine Street  West Swanzey, NH

Phone: 603-300-2885

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're back at the Half Moon and we're ready to have a blast! Get your requests in soon... we've also got a surprise or two in store during our set with Don White. Don't miss it!

Friday, June 15th, 2012 5-8pm


284 Bay RoadWenham, MA

Phone: 978-468-4818

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Food! Rides! Music! Come out and hear Brian Doser and The Pudding Pops (featuring Jon, Jack & Michael from The Loomers!) at this great event!

Friday, July 20th, 2012 7:00 pm

Jon & Heather Sing! nourish

1727 Massachusetts AvenueLexington, MA


We're back at one of our favorite places! Yay!

Friday, July 27th, 2012 5:30pm

Jon & Heather Sing! Hyland Orchard & Brewery

199 Arnold RoadSturbridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our first time here. Looks pretty cool!

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 7PM

SOBER IN THE SUN FESTIVAL Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

394 Pleasantdale Rd.Rutland, MA

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


We LOOOOVVVVEEEE playing SITS. What a glorious way to wind down the summer!

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 8pm


47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $16.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


The Loomers are hosting a fantastic night of music by a bunch of your favorite "one-hit wonders!" And we've got special guests -- including award-winning songwriters Chris Trapper, Catie Curtis, Scott Janovitz and Jim Infantino to name just a few -- coming along for the ride. Yes, there will be songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s... and you'll sound great singing along with us! Best of all, all of the the proceeds will go to a good friend of ours who is currently battling cancer. Good music for a good cause. How can you beat that?

If you can't make the show, please consider a donation to The Ferguson Family Fund:

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 8pm


47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $16.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


The Loomers are hosting a fantastic night of music by a bunch of your favorite "one-hit wonders!" And we've got special guests -- including award-winning songwriters Chris Trapper, Catie Curtis, Scott Janovitz and Jim Infantino to name just a few -- coming along for the ride. Yes, there will be songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s... and you'll sound great singing along with us! Best of all, all of the the proceeds will go to a good friend of ours who is currently battling cancer. Good music for a good cause. How can you beat that?

And if you can't make the show, please consider a donation to The Ferguson Family Fund:

Friday, February 8th, 2013 7:30pm

Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay Live in Concert! The Second Friday Coffeehouse

The First Church in Belmont -- 404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Phone: 617 484 1054

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon and Heather will be returning to The Second Friday Coffeehouse in Belmont. And this year the emphasis will be on THEIR SONGS! Oh sure, there may be a cover song or two thrown in there for good measure, but this year we thought we'd make things interesting and play our own songs. New arrangements, new harmonies, maybe even a new song or two... and all the money benefits The Belmont Food Pantry. How can you beat that?

Sunday, February 24th, 2013 5pm

A SHOW OF SUPPORT FOR STUART FERGUSON -- An End Construction Reunion Concert Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


In 1989, Jon Svetkey of The Loomers, Ellis Paul, Jim Infantino (of Jim's Big Ego), and Brian Doser formed a collective called "End Construction" and in 1990 released a compilation of songs titled "Resume Speed: New Artist Compilation." Each of the four songwriters performed four of his own original songs on the CD release. They performed shows together and eventually collaborated on each other's material, but the project ended after only 3 years. Now, after 22+ years since the project started, the four songwriters reunite for two shows of "End Construction."

The show is a benefit concert for our dear friend, Stuart Ferguson (, who is currently battling multiple myeloma.  We'll be singing some of Stuart's songs, our own songs -- maybe even one or two from "Resume Speed" -- and who knows what else?  We'll be recording the show for a future digital release and we may even be videotaping.  All of the proceeds from all of these endeavors will benefit Stuart.  Please come out and show your support for our old friend.

If you can't make the show, please consider a donation to The Ferguson Family Fund.  Thanks!

Sunday, February 24th, 2013 8pm

A SHOW OF SUPPORT FOR STUART FERGUSON -- An End Construction Reunion Concert Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


In 1989, Jon Svetkey of The Loomers, Ellis Paul, Jim Infantino (of Jim's Big Ego), and Brian Doser formed a collective called "End Construction" and in 1990 released a compilation of songs titled "Resume Speed: New Artist Compilation." Each of the four songwriters performed four of his own original songs on the CD release. They performed shows together and eventually collaborated on each other's material, but the project ended after only 3 years. Now, after 22+ years since the project started, the four songwriters reunite for two shows of "End Construction."

The show is a benefit concert for our dear friend, Stuart Ferguson (, who is currently battling multiple myeloma.  We'll be singing some of Stuart's songs, our own songs -- maybe even one or two from "Resume Speed" -- and who knows what else?  We'll be recording the show for a future digital release and we may even be videotaping.  All of the proceeds from all of these endeavors will benefit Stuart.  Please come out and show your support for our old friend.

If you can't make the show, please consider a donation to The Ferguson Family Fund.  Thanks!

Saturday, April 27th, 2013 6pm

UNDER THE ROOF - A Benefit for Somerville Homeless Coalition to house the homeless The Arts At The Armory Center

191 Highland Ave.Somerville, MA

Price: $75.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Honoring Redbones, and its owners Robert Gregory and Caryn Whitney, for their community leadership and long-standing support of the Somerville Homeless Coalition's work.

All proceeds raised through this event will help underwrite SHC's high-demand services, including our homeless prevention and permanent housing programs with supportive services, as well as our emergency shelters for families and individuals, and our food programs under Project SOUP.

THE LOOMERS are thrilled, honored and humbled to be asked to be the entertainment for this great event. Hope you can make it!

Saturday, May 11th, 2013 8:00 to 10:30 am


299 BroadwayArlington, MA 02474

Phone: 781-646-3800

Purchase Tickets: click here


The last time we played at Right Turn we had a great time unplugging and letting the audience decide our set list. We're thinking that's a good way to go again -- but this time we might throw a few curveballs at everyone!

Sunday, May 19th, 2013 3pm

SPRINGFEST Portsmouth Abbey School

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're going to have a fantastic time playing for the students of Portsmouth Abbey School!

Sunday, May 26th, 2013 6pm


247 Monadanock HighwaySwanzey, NH 03446

Phone: 603-300-2885

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're back at The Half Moon with our pal Don White. Let's kick off summer in a rocking fashion!

Saturday, June 1st, 2013 6pm


Don't you wish you were invited?!

Saturday, September 21st, 2013 7:30 pm

The Loomers & Don White Return To Worcester! JOHN HENRY'S HAMMER COFFEEHOUSE @ First Unitarian Church

90 Main StreetWorcester, MA

Price: $12.00

Can we overstate how much we've loved playing in Worcester for all these years? Or how much we've missed playing there for the past several? No, we really can't! Which is why we are PSYCHED to be back in the 'hood.  We've heard awesome things about this coffeehouse and we can't wait to blow the roof off.  

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 7pm


939 Boylston St.Boston, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Come on down to cheer us on as we play to the death (!!!) against several other fantastic bands.  Celebrity judges in the house too!

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 5pm

ONE-HIT WONDERS NITE part 2!!! One more show of support for Stuart Ferguson! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: 617 492 7679

Price: $18.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Last January The Loomers hosted a fantastic night of music by a bunch of your favorite "one-hit wonders!" It was an awe-inspiring evening of music and camaraderie to benefit our good friend, Stuart Ferguson. This time around we're going to do some more one-hit wonders (maybe even a few from last year's show too) from the 60s, 70s and 80s with some of our good friends -- including Brian Doser, Jerry Gregoire, Josh Kantor and award-winning songwriters Jim Infantino and Scott Janovitz to name just a few -- coming along for the ride. Best of all, we are unbelievably thrilled to say that Stuart will be joining us onstage for AT LEAST a couple of songs.  How cool is THAT?  We can't think of any better way to start the new year and we hope you will join us for this very special show.

This will also be broadcast on CONCERT WINDOW. You can purchase tickets on a pay-what-you-want basis at

If you can't make the show, please consider a donation to The Ferguson Family Fund:

Thursday, January 30th, 2014 8PM to 9PM

The All-Request, Unplugged Online Living Room Concert! YOUR COMPUTER! (Seriously!)

Purchase Tickets: click here


The Loomers are doing a live webshow on Concert Window. Wherever you are in the world, you can tune in! We’ll be taking requests, answering your questions and generally just goofing off for an hour or so.

You can purchase online tickets on a pay-what-you-want basis. The concert will not be recorded – it's offered in real time. We hope you can join us!

Saturday, March 1st, 2014 7:30 pm

SAVE THE SILVER MAPLE FOREST Benefit Concert First Church Belmont

404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Be a voice for the birds and mammals that live in the Alewife Silver Maple Forest. Join us for a night of fundraising to help preserve a small, magical forest in the middle of the over-developed Fresh Pond/Route 2 space.

Saturday, April 5th, 2014 8 pm

A Tribute to Pete Seeger The Nameless Coffeehouse

3 Church StreetCambridge, MA 02138

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon and his wife, Heather Quay, will be among the performers at this special concert celebrating the music of the late Pete Seeger. Proceeds will benefit the Charles River Conservancy.

Friday, May 9th, 2014 7pm

Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay at The Second Friday Coffeehouse! FIRST CHURCH BELMONT

404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Last year we got snowed out of this gig. It was, literally, the first time this coffeehouse closed in its 30+ year history!

So now we're finally able to play at this wonderful place. We've got a whole set's worth of our own songs ready to go and, even better, our great friends Jim Wooster and Paul Judge will be opening the show... and sitting in with us at the end. We promise it will be a great night of music and community. See you there!

Sunday, October 19th, 2014 7pm

The Loomers LIVE -- Wherever YOU Are! CONCERT WINDOW

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're doing our second Concert Window show on Sunday night. You can watch the show from anywhere you are -- it's online. Sign in, pay whatever you like and we'll be singing to you. AND, if you tip $10 or more, we'll send you a link that enables you to download EVERY SINGLE ALBUM we have ever recorded. Best of all, you'll be helping us raise some money for a dear friend of ours who is going through an unbelievably rough time.

We really hope that you can tune in. It'll do a whole lot of good. And it'll be fun too.

The Loomers

Thursday, May 14th, 2015 7pm

MITX Awards Copley Place Marriott

110 Huntington AveBoston, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our awesome yearly gig as the house band for the country's premier Interactive Media awards show. Hope you win!

Sunday, May 24th, 2015 7pm


15 Hilldale LaneNew Boston, NH 03070

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual gig at the Half Moon will be a rocking good time. We'll do a set and then return to play with our pal, Don White. Don't miss it!

Friday, June 5th, 2015 7:30pm

POSITIVE ENERGY + The Absolutely Filthy Funk Gentlemen! The Second Friday Coffeehouse

The First Church in Belmont -- 404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Phone: 617 484 1054

Price: $10.00


Our friends POSITIVE ENERGY -- and the Absolutely Filthy Funk Gentlemen horns -- are closing out the season at the coffeehouse and they've asked Jon and Heather to sit in with the band for the night. Be prepared for some amazing music!

Friday, July 31st, 2015 6:30pm to 8:30pm

The Loomers DO THE 80s (and more!) FRAMINGHAM VILLAGE GREEN

Edgell RoadFramingham, MA
We've been asked to play a bunch of tunes from the 80s at this excellent -- FREE!!! -- outdoor summer concert series. We're ready to go with some wicked awesome tunes from the gnarly depths of our high school years... and maybe we'll throw in some tunes from other eras too... don't miss it!

Saturday, August 8th, 2015 9:00pm

Hot Fun In The Summertime Portsmouth Book & Bar

40 Pleasant StPortsmouth, NH 03801

Phone: 603.427.9197


Our first time at this super cool place. We'll play till our fingers bleed and then maybe even play some more. Jon and Heather will do some sort of mini-set in the middle of the show so the rest of the band can get hammered for the second set. At least that's the plan so far. Don't miss it!

Saturday, September 12th, 2015 2-6pm

The Loomers ROCK! Hyland Orchard & Brewery

199 Arnold RoadSturbridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're psyched to be playing here again and we're going to play all day. As an added bonus, Jon and Heather will do a set somewhere in the middle! An afternoon of fun, beer, apples and goats. What could be better?!

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 6pm


Don't you wish you were invited?!

Friday, June 10th, 2016 7:30pm

Richard Curzi + POSITIVE ENERGY (w/Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay) The Second Friday Coffeehouse

The First Church in Belmont -- 404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Phone: 617 484 1054

Price: $10.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our friends POSITIVE ENERGY are closing out the season at the coffeehouse and they've asked Jon and Heather to sit in with the band for the night. Be prepared for some amazing music!

Thursday, June 30th, 2016 8pm to 10:30 pm


18 South Water St. WestFort Atkinson, WI 53538

Phone: 920-563-9391

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon and Heather have been singing together for almost 20 years. It’s been longer than that since Jon last played at the Carpe and it's going to be a lot of fun seeing Bill and Kitty (and hopefully Satch and Savannah!) and playing with our old friend Jay.

Call your friends in the Greater Madison area and tell them to go!

Friday, July 29th, 2016 5:30pm

Jon & Heather Sing! Hyland Orchard & Brewery

199 Arnold RoadSturbridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


Playing our own songs and some covers with our piano-playing pal Scott Hall. Don't miss it!!

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016 6pm to 8pm


99 Sherman StreetCambridge, MA 02140


Our first time playing this fabulous summer concert series, hosted by our favorite music venue, Club Passim! Bring a blanket, a chair, some food and hang out with us. This is going to be a blast!

Sunday, August 28th, 2016 1pm to 5pm

Jon & Heather with Tammy Patrick & The Merkin Wranglers! Slack Farms - Waterside at Woodlawn Wine & Music

Woodlawn Farm - 16040 Woodlawn DriveRidge, MD 20680  

Phone: 301-872-0555


Jon and Heather are THRILLED to be able to share the afternoon with their good friends Tammy and Jeff down in their hometown! This place looks so incredibly cool! If you live near Washington DC or Baltimore MD, come on down and hang out with us. We're going to be playing a LOT of music!

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016 6:45pm to 7:15pm

Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay Sing At CAMPFIRE! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 7679

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon and Heather are back at Campfire for the first time in a couple of years. Come on by and hear them play!

Friday, April 28th, 2017 7:30 to 10:30 am


20 High RoadNewbury, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


The Yellow Room -- the fancy new name for the folk duo of Heather Quay and Jon Svetkey -- will be opening for Don White! The first time we did this we had such a good time Don decided to do it again. We'll do an opening set then join Don for some of his classic tunes... including some songs he ONLY does with The Loomers! Check it out!

Saturday, July 29th, 2017 8pm to 10pm


Belmont, MA

Sunday, July 30th, 2017 3pm to 9pm


Somerville, MA
The folks who won us in the silent auction at this year's "Under The Roof" Gala -- for the Somerville Coalition For The Homeless -- are throwing a 25th Anniversary party! Hope you're invited!

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017 7pm to 8pm

Summer Sounds Concert Series Fogg Library

1 Columbian StreetSouth Weymouth, MA 02190
Our first time at this super cool -- free! -- summer concert series!

Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 3pm to 8pm


Franklin, MA

Saturday, September 30th, 2017 2-6pm

The Loomers ROCK! Hyland Orchard & Brewery

199 Arnold RoadSturbridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're psyched to be playing here again and we're going to play all day. As an added bonus, Jon and Heather might do a set somewhere in the middle! An afternoon of fun, beer, apples and goats. What could be better?!

Monday, January 22nd, 2018 8:00 pm

Jon Svetkey Open Mic Feature The Cantab Lounge

Phone: (617) 354 - 2685


Jon is thrilled and honored to be doing the featured set -- his first solo gig since 2011 -- at Geoff Bartley's esteemed open mic! Come on out!

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm


Phone: 617 484 1054

Price: $20.00

The Loomers will be bringing their fabulous dance party set list to First Church Belmont for a night of dancing and hanging out with friends. Bring your friends, your booze, your dancing shoes and dance the night away!

Saturday, April 7th, 2018 6:00 pm

UNDER THE ROOF - A Benefit for Somerville Homeless Coalition to house the homeless The Arts At The Armory Center

Price: $75.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


All proceeds raised through this event will help underwrite SHC's high-demand services, including our homeless prevention and permanent housing programs with supportive services, as well as our emergency shelters for families and individuals, and our food programs under Project SOUP. THE LOOMERS are thrilled, honored and humbled to be asked to be the entertainment for this great event. Hope you can make it!

Friday, April 13th, 2018 7:00 pm

THE YELLOW ROOM at The Second Friday Coffeehouse! FIRST CHURCH BELMONT

Price: $12.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


THE YELLOW ROOM -- the new folk-friendly name for the duo of Heather and Jon -- are thrilled to be returning to the Second Friday! And, as a special added bonus, opener Jeff Isen will join them on banjo and dobro for a few tunes! Don’t miss it! Jeff Isen opens!

Saturday, April 14th, 2018

An Evening With The Loomers THE BLACK BOX

Phone: (508) 528-3370

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: Buy tickets here!


Our first concert in Franklin MA -- Jon's hometown -- in over 20 years. We'll be playing as many songs as we can and Jon will be doing a solo set in the middle. This will be a fantastic night. Don't miss it!

Saturday, May 26th, 2018 7:00 pm


15 Hilldale LaneNew Boston, NH 03070

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual gig at the Half Moon will be a rocking good time. We'll do a set and then return to play with our pal, Don White. Don't miss it!

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

Jon Svetkey Solo + The Loomers Rock Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: Buy Tickets Here!


We are beyond thrilled to be part of Club Passim's 60th Anniversary Year. And we are going to blow the roof off. Plus, Jon will be doing a solo set as an opener -- his first time solo at the club in almost 15 years. DO. NOT. MISS. THIS.

The Loomers tour dates

Saturday, September 1st, 2018 7:00 pm

SOBER IN THE SUN FESTIVAL Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

394 Pleasantdale Rd.Rutland, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


We LOOOOVVVVEEEE playing SITS. What a glorious way to wind down the summer!

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018 12:45 pm to 1:15 pm

Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay Sing At CAMPFIRE! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 7679

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon and Heather are back at Campfire for the first time in a couple of years. Come on by and hear them play!

Monday, September 3rd, 2018 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm

Jon Svetkey Sings At CAMPFIRE with Jim Infantino, Lloyd Thayer & Rob Laurens! Club Passim

47 Palmer StreetCambridge, MA 02138 United States

Phone: 617 492 7679

Purchase Tickets: click here


Jon is doing a singers-in-the-round with three of his amazingly talented -- and funny and smart too! -- friends. This is bound to be a great time. Don't miss it!

Saturday, September 8th, 2018 3:00 pm

THE YELLOW ROOM at Belmont PORCHFEST! 12 Goden Street Porch

12 Goden StreetBelmont, MA 02478

Purchase Tickets: click here


THE YELLOW ROOM -- the new folk-friendly name for the duo of Heather and Jon -- is thrilled to be playing at the very first Belmont Porchfest! Our pal Jeff Isen will join us on mandolin and guitar! It'll be a great time! (And, it's free!)

Saturday, October 20th, 2018

Jon Svetkey Solo Opener New Moon Coffeehouse

16 Ashland StreetHaverhill, MA 01830

Phone: 978-459-5134

Price: $20.00

Purchase Tickets: Buy tickets here!


Jon's first time at the New Moon since way back in the End Construction days! He'll be playing new songs and some old favorites, accompanied by Jeff Isen on mandolin. Come and say hello!

Saturday, May 25th, 2019 6:30 pm


15 Hilldale LaneNew Boston, NH 03070

Purchase Tickets: click here


Our annual gig at the Half Moon will be a rocking good time. We'll do a set and then return to play with our pal, Don White. Don't miss it!

Sunday, September 1st, 2019 7:00 pm

SOBER IN THE SUN FESTIVAL Treasure Valley Boy Scout Camp

394 Pleasantdale Rd.Rutland, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


We LOOOOVVVVEEEE playing SITS. What a glorious way to wind down the summer!

Saturday, September 7th, 2019 10:30 am

THE YELLOW ROOM at Belmont PORCHFEST! 12 Goden Street Porch

First Church Belmont404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Purchase Tickets: click here


THE YELLOW ROOM -- the new folk-friendly name for the duo of Heather and Jon -- is thrilled to be playing at the very first Belmont Porchfest! Our pal Jeff Isen will join us on mandolin and guitar, and Jason Redi will join us on bass! It'll be a great time! (And, it's free!)

Sunday, September 15th, 2019 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm


Somerville, MA

Friday, September 20th, 2019 7:30 pm


First Church Belmont404 Concord AvenueBelmont, MA 02478

Price: $25.00

Purchase Tickets: click here


Ellis Paul kicks off the Second Friday Coffeehouse's 35th Anniversary Season -- and Jon & Heather get to open the show. This will be a fantastic night.

Saturday, October 5th, 2019 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

The Loomers ROCK! Hyland Orchard & Brewery

199 Arnold RoadSturbridge, MA

Purchase Tickets: click here


We're psyched to be playing here again and we're going to play all day. As an added bonus, there's disc golf! An afternoon of fun, beer, apples and goats. What could be better?!

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Jon Svetkey Solo, in-person! Club Sandwich

Club Sandwich, 12 Main Street

Sandwich, NH 03227

Price: $10.00


Man oh man oh man.

This is Jon's first live, in-person, show since the pandemic. Tell your friends to head up to New Hampshire to hear him at this wonderful new club owned and operated by John Davidson -- yes, THAT John Davidson -- legendary star of stage and screen. Seriously. This is going to be a lot of fun.


Friday, November 12th, 2021 7:30 pm

Live IN-PERSON at Second Friday Concerts! Second Friday Concerts at First Church Belmont

The First Church in Belmont

404 Concord Avenue

Belmont, MA 02478

Phone: 617 484 1054


Our first live concert in front of an audience in two years. And it's the first live concert at the Second Friday since last February as well. We are so unbelievably excited and thrilled and honored to be playing music for you all again! The Second Friday donates all of its net proceeds to charity, so this is one of those 'great music for great cause' nights. Do. Not. Miss. This. One!


Wednesday, July 5th, 2023 7:00 pm to 8:30

The Loomers at Endicott Estate Endicott Estate

656 East StreetDedham, MA 02026


We're thrilled to be part of Endicott Estate's Summer Concert Series! You bring a chair, we'll bring the music!