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Jon Svetkey

Friday, February 8, 2013


Belmont, MA

Jon Svetkey & Heather Quay Live in Concert!

The First Church in Belmont -- 404 Concord Avenue Belmont, MA 02478

phone: 617 484 1054

Price: $10.00

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: The Second Friday Coffeehouse

Jon and Heather will be returning to The Second Friday Coffeehouse in Belmont. And this year the emphasis will be on THEIR SONGS! Oh sure, there may be a cover song or two thrown in there for good measure, but this year we thought we'd make things interesting and play our own songs. New arrangements, new harmonies, maybe even a new song or two... and all the money benefits The Belmont Food Pantry. How can you beat that?

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