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Jon Svetkey

Saturday, October 22, 2011

11:30 AM

S. Hamilton, MA

My Daddy Rocks: Monthly concerts for kids of all ages!

284 Bay Road S. Hamilton, MA 01982

phone: 978-468-4818 Ex. 10

Price: $8.00

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: Community House of Hamilton & Wenham

Brian Doser is a fantastic kids' music performer up on the North Shore. He also happens to have produced, engineered or mixed (or all three) pretty much every recording project associated with The Loomers. And now he's put together a band to play some shows for families and kids of all ages. And his band features none other than Jon and Jack from The Loomers!  The set list will include some classic oldies, Top 40 and maybe even some original tunes. Appropriate for infants through tweens. Tickets are $8 per person, maximum charge of $25 per family. Oh yeah, dads are free!

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